What Does Elon Musk Have in Mind?
I had trouble sleeping last night, pondering the mind of Elon Musk. Why is he hijacking the Dept. of the Treasury? To divert however many trillions it will take to build his refugee city on Mars? I tried to look at the bright side of that scheme and finally fell asleep.
This morning while reading Alton Frye's "Nazi Germany and the American Hemisphere 1933-1941" (Yale University, 1967), Elon's mind started to make sense. On page 12 Frye quotes what Frederic William Maitland, the "patron saint of historians", once said:"It is very hard to remember that events long past were once in the future."
Reviled as he is today, Elon Musk is thinking of those future days after he has built his city on Mars, when he shall be hailed as the prophet who foresaw the catastrophes that would engulf the Earth, and built a fleet of Arks to deliver humanity (it's richest 1% at least) to a safe haven.
Now I wait for the armed forces to declare martial law, round up all the domestic enemies of democracy - Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Republican Party leaders and their billionaire financiers - and detain them for violating their pledges to defend the Constitution of the United States, and for endangering the lives of the 99%. They can be moved to Guantanamo Bay for their own safety.
Labels: Elon Musk, global warming, NASA, treason, treasury
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